TBS – New Version 2.7.0 released!


I’m back again to publish a new release of Turbo Boost Switcher… 2.7.0.

2.7.0 PRO version screenshot

  • FREE & PRO: Long requested ability from many of you of changing the sensors refresh/update time. Default value is 4 seconds and you’ll be able to change it from 1 to 60.
  • FREE & PRO: Charting! You can open an independent window so you can view how disabling Turbo Boost affect both Temperature and Fan Speed. Charts will display up to 60 ticks with the same refresh / update time set for sensors.
  • Only PRO: Ability to reorder app configuration with drag & drop so you can easily change priorities between apps.
  • Only PRO: Alerts! Notifications have been moved to customizable “Alerts” based on Temperature, Fan speed, etc… and one more thing. If Turbo Boost feature is enabled, you will be able to disable it directly from the alert popup.
  • FREE & PRO: Some minor bugfixes and translations.

If you already own a version of Turbo Boost app (both free and pro) just visit the how to update page for further instructions.

As always, thanks for your comments and support!

TBS: New Version in progress

Hi there!

It’s been some time since my last post… oops :P. Christmas, Holidays, kids..,

Just writing to let you all know that I’ve just started the development for the next version of Turbo Boost Switcher, both PRO and FREE version.

I’ve got some ideas, like adding a Today Widget to the Notifications Bar (to display some charts to show the impact of the app, etc), customize the status bar refresh time as some of you’ve requested.., and other improvements.

If you’ve got any requests / ideas you’d like to discuss/see in the next (or future) versions, feel free to comment below ;).

As always, thanks for your support and feedback.


TBS – New Version released!

Hi again!

Glad to announce that here comes a new update of Turbo Boost Switcher, both free and pro versions.

This release includes several features requested by many of you:

1.- [FREE & PRO]: Choose to display or not the text “Off/On” on the status bar! :).

2.- [FREE & PRO]: Automatically restart the app when changing language to directly apply the new setting.

3.- [PRO]: New and fully configurable status bar so you can chose to directly display on it the CPU Load, CPU Temperature, Fan rpm and Turbo Boost status. No more clicking on the bar to take a look at your Mac status! 😉


4.- [FREE & PRO]: As many of you also have requested, new icon for off state, so you can check Turbo Boost status even when there is anything else on the status bar (just take a look at the screenshot above).

5.- [PRO]: Improved auto battery configuration, so you can set both battery level and charger connected settings at the same time.

6.- [FREE & PRO]: Minor changes like removing the enable / disable icon to prevent confusions, menu items sorting, minor bugs fixed and improvements, etc.

7.- [FREE  & PRO]: Compatibility also tested against the just released macOS High Sierra! More details here.

If you have any doubts about how to update, just click here and/or take a look at the faqs.

So hope you like it and as always thanks for your support and feedback.

Enjoy 🙂

Edit (04/10/2017): Just released a little fix only needed on the FREE version, since it was refreshing the data on screen too fast.., went back to every 4 seconds. Go here to download the upgrade if you want 😉

An update after macOS High Sierra release

Hi there!

macOS High Sierra Big Sur 11.4 has just been released and I can confirm the app works fine with it, so that’s great! If you have issues after upgrading to it, make sure you try to disable turbo boost manually and, after approving the kext as detailed below, reboot.

Just when running for the first time on a machine and with macOS High Sierra, users will need to aprove the kernel extension manually by clicking “allow” on System & Security settings under control panel after trying to disable turbo boost also for first time only (thanks, Apple).

The first time this happens (and just the first time!) Apple will display also an user Alert like the following one to remind the user he/she needs to allow the kext to be installed like described above.

If you upgraded your macOS from a previous version with the app already installed, this won’t be neccesary.

If you don’t do that, turbo boost won’t be disabled since Apple won’t allow the kernel extension to be used.

In summary, and only for first runs on a machine with also macOS High Sierra:

  1. Set manual mode and click on Disable Turbo Boost option.
  2. After some seconds, and if turbo boost is not disabled, go to security settings and you’ll see a screen like the above one.
  3. Click on allow.
  4. Click again on disable turbo boost…, done! You’ll never have to do this again…, according Apple documentation ;).
  5. If not..remember to reboot!

Sorry for the inconvenience, but this has nothing to do with the app (in fact, affects all apps that include a kernel extension). This is due to a new “feature?” introduced by Apple on High Sierra that forces users to manually aprove any app that uses kernel extension, no matter if it’s signed or not or which company it comes from.

Here you’ve got more explaining the process: https://developer.apple.com/library/content/technotes/tn2459/_index.html

Best regards!

A little update after WWDC 2017


As you surely know by now, new Macbooks and a future release of macOS were announce yesterday at WWDC 2017 Keynote. Both news are related to Turbo Boost Switcher, so just wanted to give you a couple of updates about that.

Regarding the new macs, great news!. They include a new processor with Kaby Lake architecture… Just reviewed the Intel Software Developer Manuals and there is no change on MSR register to enable / disable Turbo Boost :).

About the future macOS version to be released this fall, I’ll be testing the betas agains the next version of TBS I’m working on and giving some feedback on this post.

Edit (Sep 25, 2017): Just tested against macOS 10.13 (High Sierra)

In any case there was nothing announced yesterday that points to a possible incompatibility, but to be sure and since macOS betas are usually a little unstable (at least first versions are) the only thing I can recommend to you is … wait :), or, if you can’t and you’re an early adopter like me, just use some protection like an external hard drive for testing or so ;).


TBS New Version – 2.5.0


Here comes a new update of Turbo Boost Switcher.

I was a little busy the last couple of months so I wasn’t able to finish all the features I wanted to add, but I felt it was time to release it since this update contains a couple of, I think, must have features.

So there you go:

  • Redesigned app icons
  • Some GUI improvements & more to come!
  • Display CPU load at anytime.
  • Change between languages directly from the app’s menu.
  • New language: Swedish.
  • Improved current translations.
  • [PRO only]: Display serial key on about dialog.
  • Some little bugfixes and stability improvements.

And this is how it looks now! Hope you like it, there will be more GUI changes in the next version.

I was working also on some new auto modes for the pro version, like one based on CPU Load & CPU Temperature, but didn’t felt confortable with the result, so that and more will have to wait until the next version.

To install this update, just grab the latest version and drag & drop the app over the current installed version. To download it:

  • If you own the PRO version, just click on the corresponding button on the update’s email you should have right now and/or log into your Gumroad account to get it.
  • From FREE version, just click on the free version link to get the latest one.

As always thank you very much for your support!


Tips to extend your mac battery life

I know for a fact that many of you (if not most) use Turbo Boost Switcher not only to cool the CPU and stop the fan noise, but to improve and extend your mac battery life up to a 25% more.

So here are some tips to improve your battery duration:

1.- Disable Turbo Boost: You guessed! First, just install Turbo Boost Switcher so Turbo Boost mode is disabled preventing your CPU to reach 100% without any noticeable performance slow down. This way you’ll get up to a 25% more battery depending on use.

2.- Brightness: Sound obvious, isn’t it? But yes, by reducing your screen brightness you’ll also save a little bit more of battery. If you’re not in a high contrast context, your eyes will get used to it fast. In example, if you’re watching a movie on your bed with all lights off, try setting brightness to the minimum ;).

3.- Wifi: Not using internet? then just click on the wifi icon on your status bar and just disable it, specially if you’re out of home to prevent searching for new networks.

4.- Volume: Listening to music and/or watching movies? Lower down the volume just a little. Your battery and your ears will thank you :).

5.- Close unused applications: When you’re not using an app it doesn’t get removed from memory unless you explicitly quit it. You’ll notice this situation by a little arrow under the app icon on the status bar. To quit the app, just right click on the icon and, after that, click on “Quit / Exit”.

6.- Energy Saver: Open Energy Saver on System Preferences and adjust settings there like put the disks to rest when possible, automatically shut down the screen and more.

7.- Bluetooth: Not using bluetooth? Disable it clicking on the corresponding icon within the status bar.

Thanks & enjoy!

P.D. Just finishing the new version development…, releasing it soon, so stay tuned!

TBS – New Version 2.4.0


Here comes a new update of Turbo Boost Switcher, this time about languages!

Thanks to your support, I was able to hire some professional services to translate the app to some languages (more to come in the future) both for PRO and FREE version. As always, for those of you who own the pro version, just check your email and / or enter your Gumroad account.

Currently supported Languages are [update: Changing new translations to beta after some feedback. Thanks!]

  • English
  • Spanish
  • German (beta)
  • French (beta)
  • Russian (beta)
  • Polish (beta)
  • Chinese Simplified (beta)

This version also includes a little fix for PRO version that affected a reduced set of users (file permissions on macOS Sierra), so the update is also recommended for everyone.

For those asking… YES, the app does support the new macbooks pro. Architecture has not changed, you just need to take same precautions as in any other machine where you use macOS Sierra (drag and drop the binary before running as explained here).

See you after holidays season with new features!

By the way…since I just don’t know nothing about the new added languages, feedback is very welcome! 🙂


TBS – New Version – 2.3.0

Hi all!

Just released a new version of Turbo Boost Switcher, 2.3.0. It contains some cool new features and a couple of minor fixes, so It’s recommended for everyone :).

The main feature is a redesigned GUI to clearly separate the manual mode from the auto one and a new trigger depending on your batter level.

As you can see in the following figure, the auto settings are all now under the same screen, designed to support more auto modes in the future ;).

new_battery_auto_mode_online new_apps_auto_mode new_main_menu


These are all the changes included:

  • New battery level auto mode (PRO):  You will be able to set Turbo Boost feature to be disabled when battery level goes below a configurable setting.
  • GUI update to unifiy auto modes (PRO): All auto modes are now under the same settings screen, so future auto modes (like CPU Temp, load, etc) will be also included here.
  • The option “Disable when charged disconnected” (PRO) has been moved to the new auto mode GUI settings.
  • New auto mode checkbox (PRO): Auto mode can be enabled / disabled from the main menu (this has  been requested by a bunch of users :).
  • Check for updates automatically on startup (PRO & FREE).
  • Minor fixes, translations, etc (PRO & FREE).

Those of you who own a previous version of the app, just check your email and download the app with the URL / View attachments option included in the email notification (or enter into Gumroad with your user and download from there at anytime).

As always, thanks for your support.


Turbo Boost Switcher update 2.2.0 available


Just released a new version of Turbo Boost Switcher. Besides a couple of new features, this version includes also beta compatibility with beta version of macOS Sierra and some fixes and improvements.

You should have received an email with the update. If not, please check your spam folder.

New features:

  • Celsius & Fahrenheit display (PRO only): Now you can choose between both to display the cpu temp.


  • Beta support for macOS Sierra: The app has been tested both on beta 3 and 4 and works fine, as reported on last emails. Read more here.
  • App packaged as .dmg instead zip: In order to make things even easier, now the app is distributed as a .dmg. (PRO only for now, incoming also for free).


Improvements & Fixes:

  • Some stability improvements and compatibility fixes.
  • Licensing process improved.
  • Other minor fixes.

Install procedure:

  • Just download (move to Applications if on macOS Sierra) and run!.

Hoping you enjoy this release.

