Category: News

How to run Turbo Boost Switcher on macOS Sierra and High Sierra

Great news! :)…, the app Turbo Boost Switcher works with the latest version of macOS Sierra (edit: macOS High Sierra too!). Take a look at this for those users running for first time the app on macOS High Sierra: There is

I’m Back (again) :)

It’s been too much time, I know, and sorry for those of you who are waiting for the new version… There is no excuse, but you know.., life, kids, work, sometimes it’s really hard to start working on something at

Free version of TBS: Binary download link broken

Hi! I’am aware the download link for the free version of Turbo Boost Switcher is broken. Thank you for reporting it! It’s an issue with S3 service.., I’ll restore it ASAP so check frequently the status on the web. I’ve

Turbo Boost Switcher – Home Page

Hi! Just playing around and released a “Home” page for Turbo Boost Switcher to make it “justice” :). You can check it out at: Hope you like it! Among that, just founded a video about Turbo Boost Switcher on Youtube

Turbo Boost 1.2.0 incoming

Hello there! As usual, too much time since my last post, so I’ve decided to let all you know I’ll be releasing a new version of Turbo Boost Switcher very soon. This version will feature: Enable on Exit: When you

Turbo Boost Switcher v1.2.0

Hello all, The 2.1.0 version of Turbo Boost Switcher for OSX is finally up and available for download. Edit: Current version is 2.1.0 now. This version includes several fixes and cool new features: Remember permissions, so the app only asks

Xmas Photo Effects for iPhone released

Hello, I’m back again :). This time to let you all now I’ve just released a new little app for iPhone specially designed for this christmas. It’s called “Xmas Photo Effects” allowing to take photos and edit them on the fly

Turbo Boost Video Tutorial

Guys of “EasyDownloadHelp” have published a nice video tutorial on how to use Turbo Boost Switcher. Although is really ease to use, check it out to have the first flavour on how it looks. Thanks guys!

How to disable Turbo Boost on Mac OS X

I’ve just created and released the first version of Turbo Boost Switcher app for Mac OS X. Read more about it here. This free app will allow you to disable/enable Turbo Boost on  newest Intel   Macs at anytime. I’ve decided

Smart Babies for iPad released

Yes, finally this little project I’ve finished on vacation is available on the App Store. This app is intended for babies to toddlers conceived as a set of educative games for iPad. You can read more info here Or you
