Turbo Boost Switcher v1.2.0

Hello all,

The 2.1.0 version of Turbo Boost Switcher for OSX is finally up and available for download.

Edit: Current version is 2.1.0 now.

This version includes several fixes and cool new features:

  • Remember permissions, so the app only asks for root password the first time.
  • Status check on wake up
  • Check for updates
  • Power efficiency improved
  • Console log error messages removed
  • Other minor bug-fixes
  • Configure apps that enable / disable turbo boost automatically
  • Notifications
  • And more!…

The update is recommended to all users, so stop reading and go for it now!

Download Turbo Boost Switcher 2.1.0 now!

5 comments on “Turbo Boost Switcher v1.2.0
  1. roberto says:

    Hi cannot buy pro version because i live in europe?????

  2. Domino says:

    Awesome, you made a pro version!
    Power efficiency improved, could you give more details about this?

    & speaking about cooling & silencing…
    I can recommend drilling holes into the plate of the MBP, works well.

  3. Yingjun says:

    Hi, rugarciap, Thanks for the awesome application. It works good for me on macbook retina, but the icon on menu bar do not fit well for me, so could you make an icon of retina version ?

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