macOS Sonoma update – TBS working

Hello there!

Good news again! Turbo Boost Switcher opens and runs fine with macOS Sonoma Final version!!! both free and pro, just remember to reboot after upgrading / installing the beta. You can find a screenshot below I’ve just taken for you all :). Current version tested: macOS Sonoma Final, tested OK on Sep 26, 2023

And the same goes for Power Mode Switcher too!!!

Again, for those of you that need to approve the kernel extension again and/or installing for the first time on macOS Sonoma, the process is the same, but Apple changed the user interface a little bit.

Here is how it’s shown as of now. As you can see, now settings are shown with a left navigation sidebar, same as with macOS Ventura, but you just need to click there over “Security and privacy” as always and, after that, click over “Details…” in order to enable the kernel extension from “Legacy Developer: rugarciap”. Something like the following screenshots. After that, remember to reboot! although macOS will ask you to do that.

Click over Details under Privacy & Security
Enable Turbo Boost kernel extension and finally reboot. Done!

… and one more thing! stay tuned! new version coming soon with new features :).

Enjoy and thanks for your feedback and support!

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