OSX El Capitan – TBS

Hi all

Edit: Post outdated. The app works fine with this OS Version and above (Yosemite and macOS Sierra). Go to Home and keep reading ;). 

As you can see the promised new version of TBS has not been released yet. I’ve just installed OSX El Capitan, and there are some problems with the signing feature.

Even trying to bypass that doesn’t work. Why is that? Ok, Apple deactivated that feature on OSX El Capitan.

“As of OS X El Capitan, the kext-dev-mode boot-arg is now obsolete.” (read more here). Ok, you can do it (at your own risk, I strongly advise against doing it) but you need to reboot to Recovery OS and more. Read here.

I’ve just requested Apple a certificate in order to sign the kernel module. Problem? I don’t know how much time Apple takes to answer this requested.

I’ll keep you all updated here and in my twitter account since I’m not releasing the new version until I’m sure it will work with OSX El Capitan.


And again…., remember to become root and/or use and Admin account in order to use the app, since kernel extensions need to be installed with a root account (or an user that can become root), and of course, follow this instructions.


6 comments on “OSX El Capitan – TBS
  1. Jonathan Brooks says:

    I guess this is now abandon-ware 🙁

    I’m not sure if this is relevant or not, but you can install TBS on El Capitan – just go to System Prefs -> Security & Privacy and turn off (temporarily) the signing for apps (turn on last option to allow apps from “anywhere”). Once installed, put back to previous setting. The app seems to work (at least with TB turned off the CPU appears to run *much* cooler 90degC -> 48degC on a hot day in the office) – only problem is that it asks me for my password every reboot, and the Disable Turbo Boost setting doesn’t stick. If the dev is out there I would gladly pay to have this app work properly, as I can live with slightly slower performance at the expense of my CPU not going China-syndrome, and better battery life.

    • rugarciap says:

      No, it’s not abandonware…, and the 2.0 version will be released before this week ends 🙂

      • Jonathan Brooks says:

        Awesome work – sorry for implying you’d lost interest. Will version 2.0 stop requesting passwords each time you want to change things? Looking forward to trying and buying version 2.0! 😀

        • rugarciap says:

          YES! 2.0 version (Pro) just asks for root password once, the first time the app tries to enable / disable Turbo Boost. On a future post I’ll explain how I achieved that, but for now I want to rest a couple of days :).

  2. Kay says:

    I’d like to buy the pro version but I just bought the MacBook Pro 13″ early 2015 with ElCapitan so I need a new version signed by Apple. I hope they will sign it soon!

  3. Can Margarini says:

    Hey, any updates on that certificate?

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