Turbo Boost Switcher Update 2.1.0 available


Just released a new version of Turbo Boost Switcher with a couple requested new features and some bugfixes.

These are the changes included with this version:

  • Turbo Boost default mode (just PRO): Some of you have asked for the possibility of setting a default mode of Turbo Boost enabled state. Now you’ll be able to do it by enabling “auto” configuration and default status that will be applied when no one configuration matches. Just take a look to the following screenshot.



  • Retina Icon (all versions): As requested by many of you, a retina status bar icon has been included with this version.
  • Fixes (all versions):
    • Version compatibility: Due to a xcode missconfiguration, last release of PRO version was set to be compatible with 10.10 and above. This has been fixed to previous configuration, so the PRO version is again compatible with 10.6 OSX and above.
    • Other minor fixes & updates: Minor changes on translations, improvements, etc.

If you have previously purchased the PRO version, check your email (and spam folder) where you should have received by now an email containing the new update availability and a link to download it.

Just updated also the github project with the free version and the corresponding binary.

Important: When updating, just download and run the received update. You don’t need to uninstall the previous version ;). Thanks!

As always, thank you very much for your support and messages, I really appreciate them. Maintaining this app demands from me a lot of my leisure (and sleep time) :).

Best regards and enjoy!

3 comments on “Turbo Boost Switcher Update 2.1.0 available
  1. Christoph says:

    Thank you so much for this update! 🙂

  2. Remy says:


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